Someone had a great disappointment that turned out to be a blessing in disguise

Someone had a great disappointment that turned out to be a blessing in disguise

Someone had a great disappointment that turned out to be a blessing in disguise


Disappointment is experienced by a person when he fails to achieve what he desired and aimed for. While a blessing in disguise is a hidden benefit and betterment that a person do not realize until a time later. I can remember the time when my sister got very upset on not being selected for the desired course she wanted to study at university after completing her high school. She became very depressed over her result and lost her courage and interest to select another field for study. But she was then convinced by my father to opt for another field of study but she kept on regretting for her career and life. Near the end of her graduation from university she got appointed by a very good company for job. On the other hand, the graduates from the course she dreamed of and was not selected kept on struggling for a long time to get jobs. She is much successful in her field now and thinks that her initial failure brought her to a chose a path where she is having a glamorous fate.

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