Marriage party in Lahore

Marriage party in Lahore

Marriage party in Lahore
I went to my friend Ahmad wedding party two days ago. He was my school friend. We studied ten years together. Ahmad’s wedding was at royal palm and country club Lahore. This is a five star club having three beautiful markies. Wedding was in one of the beautiful marky called silver bells. There were around five hundred people approximately attending the wedding. Silver bell was decorated with beautiful lights. Three big shandalayers were hanging on different sides. Stage was decorated with lovely and fresh flowers.
I met many of my old friends. We danced and had fun. The most important thing was that I met many of my old classmates. They all were working in different professions. The food was served at 9. We had a delicious dinner. Food variety was limited due to government restriction. Before 10 o clock they all started winding up. We had lot of fun. I really enjoyed my friends wedding.

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