Live and work in Germany for Pakistanis

Live and work in Germany for Pakistanis

Country is a place where we can live. A good country is one in which any one can acquire his basic requirements of living like as food, cloths & place for living at very low rates. It is the responsibility of government to provide above mention things to every one. Pakistan is also a very good country. But unfortunately from last ten years the economy of this country is falling day by day. Now a day this country is effect by two major problems, which are energy crisis and economical situation. Now it is very difficult to survive in Pakistan. Due to above stated problems I want to go abroad. To leave a country the first task is to decide which country is best suited. After going through deep study I have chosen Germany, UK & Sweden for living. As I have seen about UK it is crowded with people and there is less chance of earning. Moreover this country has not good relationships with Muslims. Same situation is about Sweden. My first preference is Germany because it is the main hub of engineering and technology. Some of friends are settled there they also tell me the situation of this country. There are a lot of resources of earning in said country. One more positive aspect is that the government of Germany has now put relaxation on entry requirement as they require trained people for the growth of their industries.

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