Author: cafels

In past there is no progress   happen in this technolgy  world .In the past there was no progess in  technolgy  people don,t knew how to communicate with other people  in easy way  .They chose the harder way to communicate with 0ther  people and they are ...

Although we are dependant of nature but everybody have some ideas in his/her mind to change life.The thing that can change my life is hard work. I am getting my education from PUCIT. I know the education is the way to change my life. When...

Christianity is one of the oldest religions of the world. The followers of this religion are known as Christians. Christians follow the teachings of holy prophet HAZRAT ESSA A.S and the holy book they pursue is known as the BIBLE. Christianity is the most followed...

Word Meaning urdu Mystery Unanswered story راز Home Office Visa issuing office ویزا دینے کا آفس Myth Fictitious story دیوتاؤں کی کہانیاں Catalogue Brochure فہرست Wrestle Fight لڑائی Irregular Wrong shape بے ضابطہ Develop Evolve بڑھانا National Country wide قومی Administer Manage انتظام کرنا Native Relating to country دیسی Sadism Sad condition غم کی حالت Dynasty Succession شاہی سلسلہ Pail Bucket بالٹی Ice age Cold era برف کا زمانہ Clarify To explain واضح کرنا Tag on Attached جڑا ہونا Oasis Relief in suffering نخلستان Example Clarification مثال Tail Body organ دم Beyond More than the reach دوسری طرف Nag Irritate تنگ کرنا Island Place without borders جزیرہ Tailor Outfitter درزی Culinary Related to kitchen کچن کا سامان Saliva Spit تھوک Honor Tribute اعزاز Salute Respect عزت Abnormal Not ordinary  خلاف معمول Let Allow  اجازت...

In this century due to the rapid research in different field of knowledge’s a person have a lot of choices to select his profession according to his preferences and interests. In general it is seen that people select their profession in such a way that he...