Worst Essay in the world

Worst Essay in the world

computer is basic need . Alan Turing is british mathematic he is worked about the computer and its progeress. The question was perposed in 1950 and ask the some experimental questions or basic atriffical questions about computer. He was describe the test . Test name was Turinig test . This test conducated the group of people and they are work with collaboration work in china. Some technique was used for this test is “Computer terminal”.In this section question was onto a computer sceen. In this part also section about palyed back voice people listen the question and answer quickly also used the syntherizer. Group of people judge this tset either they are passed or not beacuse if they are not judge Who is passed or not ? they are not anouce the perfect result about truning test. In 1950 a numer of contents have been organized in which machine are challenged to the turing test.

After 1950 Another british mathematic also work on the turing test . 1990 Hugh Loebner sponsored a prize to be awarded by the cambridge center for behavioral a glod medal and also have cash award $100,000 to the designer of computer that could pass the turing test.However , so far , no computer has passed the test.

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